St. Johnsbury Band
The St. Johnsbury Band may be contacted at the email address or the mailing address shown below. If you wish to direct your mail to a specific Band member, please include their name in the subject line of the email or in the address on the envelope. The current slate of Board Members is listed below.
If you wish to support the St. Johnsbury Band, donations can be sent to the mailing address shown below.
Contact Information
Email Address:
Web Address:
Mailing Address:
St. Johnsbury Band
P.O. Box 243
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Board Members
Manager Dave Hare
Asst. Manager Rusty Speicher
Musical Director Gary Aubin
Asst. Musical Director Kirsten Harter
Treasurer Cheryl Gove
Secretary Randa Jacobs
Librarian Leslie Fredette
Publicity Susan Gallagher
Uniforms Jean Ashley
Web Manager Matthew Bader
Trustee (3 year) Deborah Smith
Trustee (2 year) Billie Winter
Trustee (1 year) Carol Stevens