St. Johnsbury Band
Annual Meeting - 2005
The St. Johnsbury Band honored Les Blodgett, of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, as the band's newest Lifetime member at its annual meeting October 14, 2005. Lifetime membership is given only to band members who have given enduring time and made significant efforts to advance the goals of the St. Johnsbury Band.
Les Blodgett
Blodgett joined the Band when he was in 8th grade and continued to play through the end of high school. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1969 through 1973 and was a naval musician during that time. In 1974, he returned to St. Johnsbury, rejoined the Band, and has played continuously to this day.
Blodgett previously served as band manager for two years. He has played "Taps" at many Memorial Day and Veteran's Day ceremonies around the St. Johnsbury area. He is also a member of the Maple Leaf Seven Dixieland Jazz Band and Big Band 2005.
Complete lists of the St. Johnsbury Band member awards are available on the Members page.