St. Johnsbury Band
Annual Meeting - 2015
The St. Johnsbury Band held its annual dinner and business meeting on December 8, 2015 at the Creamery restaurant in Danville, VT. There was a large turnout of Band members and spouses, family, and friends. The buffet style dinner was excellent.
The business meeting was held after the dinner. Joan Mead opened the meeting with an ode to the Band that ended with a lighted baton being given to our Director, Gary Aubin.
Dianne Wyllie presented a summary of the minutes from last years meeting, which were accepted without change. Treasurer Kirsten Harter brought us up to date on the Band's financial status. The Treasurer's report was accepted without change.
Numerous awards were handed out this year. First, Ted French was added to the Honorary Member plaque. Many years ago when Ted passed away, he bequeathed a small sum of money to the Band. That gift was invested and has since grown into our current investment portfolio. This was a significant gift to the Band as it now provides us with a small cushion if we ever have a financial emergency.
Joan Mead reads her 'Ode to Band'
Next, Jim McGregor announced that Dr. John Mead was added to the In Memorium plaque. John was a member of the Band for twelve years. He was an outstanding player on the trombone and euphonium and had performed professionally in many groups during his life. We honor his memory (and his habit of wearing red socks at concerts) by wearing red socks as part of our uniform.
The Band is always seeking new members and we especially welcome youngsters to join us. This year, Gary Aubin presented our first Youth Award to Kaci Cochran. Kaci is a wonderful musician who has been doing an outstanding job in our percussion section. She plays whatever is needed and helps setup.
Gary Aubin receives lighted baton from Bobby-Ann Fearon
Jim McGregor presenting an award
Joan Mead discusses In Memorium Award with Jim McGregor
Gary Aubin receives lighted baton from Bobby-Ann Fearon
What do you give to the member who has already been given the Band's highest award but continues to serve the Band above and beyond the call of duty? A special award, the "EE & Reg Bagley" award was given to Jim McGregor for the outstanding way he continues to give of his time to helping the Band.
Lifetime Membership, the Band's highest award, was given to our current manager, Dave Hare. Dave has been in the Band for nearly 20 years, playing in the percussion section. He is reliable and has served in several governance positions during that time. As manager, he works hard to arrange the ice cream socials for our summer concerts, he finds concerts and parades for the Band to perform in, and takes care of the many details involved in running the Band. It is rumored that his joke telling skills need some work. Dave plays with several other groups including the Civil War Hemlocks.
Finally, Jim McGregor presented a history of the bandstand that the Band uses for its summer concerts. See the History page to read about the bandstand.
The slate of nominations for the various positions was presented to the Band by Bobby-Ann Fearon. The slate was unanimously passed. The slate can be seen on the Members page.
The Band will start up again on Monday, January 18, 2016 at our usual rehearsal time of 7:00pm.