St. Johnsbury Band
Annual Meeting - 2019
The St. Johnsbury Band held its annual dinner and business meeting on November 22, 2019. The dinner meeting was held at the Elks Lodge in St. Johnsbury. Band members, spouses, and friends came braving poor weather and road conditions. The Elks catered a delicious buffet style dinner.
The business meeting followed the dinner. The first order of business was a review of the minutes from last years meeting. Secretary Cheryl Gove read the minutes, which were accepted without change.
The Manager's report came next, presented by Dave Hare, the Band Manager. He thanked members of the Band for all the help the members contribute throughout the year. This includes setup and tear down at concerts, music suggestions, members serving as officers, and all the other many tasks that need to be done to ensure the Band's success. It was a good year with only one rainout during the summer. The 2020 season starts on June 15, 2020. Dave emphasized that everyone should try to make the early season rehearsals starting on January 20, 2020 so we can try new music and select which pieces to keep.
Cheryl Gove, wearing her other hat as Treasurer, presented the Treasurer's report. She detailed the income from the past season, with a total of $5,429.75. Cheryl followed that with a recap of the expenses totaling $4,624.54. The Band ended the year with a small surplus. The report was seconded and accepted without change.
With an eye on the weather, Old and New Business sections of the meeting were dispatched very quickly - there was none of either!
Bobby-Ann Fearon then took over to present the slate of officers for the upcoming year. There were a few changes. Kirsten Harter was up for Assistant Director. Davina Whitehill was thanked for serving as a Trustee and Paul Cranmer was nominated to serve as a Trustee in the three year spot. The entire slate was moved and accepted. The entire slate of officers is listed on the Contact Us page.
Dianne Wyllie receives Lifetime Award from Dave Hare and Gary Aubin
There was one Lifetime award given this year. Jim McGregor read through the list of Lifetime members. The new Lifetime member is Dianne Wyllie. Diane has been a longtime member of the Band playing in the clarinet section. She stepped down last year after eleven years as the Band Secretary. She is at most of the concerts and parades. Her name will be added to the Lifetime Membership plaque. Congratulations, Dianne!
The meeting concluded with a few general announcements:
Next year is the Band's 190th anniversary. Jim McGregor suggested adding a little extra to our 4th of July ice cream social — CAKE!
Jim McGregor will continue to head the new music committee. Suggestions for new pieces can be sent to him or Dave Hare, including for the spring Festival of Bands concert.
Dave Hare again asked for alternative causes for benefit concerts.
Dave Askren will determine a good location on the Band's website to post the fliers for special concerts to make it easy for Band members to print them out and post them prior to these concerts.
Band members listen at the meeting
Band members listen at the meeting
Dianne Wyllie receives Lifetime Award from Dave Hare and Gary Aubin
Band members listen at the meeting