St. Johnsbury Band

St. Johnsbury Band Receives Vermont Centennial Nonprofit Award
The St. Johnsbury Band has been selected as a winner in the 2004 Vermont Centennial Nonprofit Awards Program. The Band was one of 26 organizations so honored this year out of the 60 nonprofits that applied to the program. The Band was the fourth oldest nonprofit recognized this year. Founded in 1830, the Band is the third oldest community band in the nation.
The Vermont Centennial Nonprofit Awards Program is a joint project of the Vermont Office of the Secretary of State and the Vermont Alliance of Nonprofit Organizations (VANPO). The awards were presented by Vermont Secretary of State Deborah L. Markowitz at VANPO's annual conference at the Stoweflake in Stowe on October 28, 2004.
The Vermont Centennial Nonprofit Awards program honors Vermont's oldest nonprofits. Any nonprofit that has been in continuous operation for 100 years or more is eligible to participate in the program. The Office of the Secretary of State believes it is important to recognize the many contributions made to the State of Vermont by these nonprofit organizations. It takes a tremendous amount of support and dedication to keep a nonprofit active for 100 years or more. It is the hope that this program will deepen the understanding of how Vermont's nonprofits have enhanced community life in Vermont during the last hundred years.
The 2005 awards will be honoring the 20 oldest nonprofits and those in their centennial year.

Pictured in the photo are (left to right): Brian Byrnes, President of The Vermont Community Foundation; Marie-Anne Hemond, Manager of St. Johnsbury Band; Gary Aubin, Director of St. Johnsbury Band; David Askren, Treasurer, St. Johnsbury Band; Deborah L. Markowitz, Vermont Secretary of State.